Posts Tagged ‘STEM’

9 LIT + STEM ideas to explore in the classroom

Filed under: For Teachers | March 15, 2023

Here are 9 ideas to integrate literacy, my books, and STEM / STEAM into your curriculum BEYOND the science classroom…

Write a Book Review printable

Little Red Educator’s Guide

Design A Robot printable

My Robot printable

T-Bone the Drone story time kit

STEM/STEAM Video Lessons

Balancing Robot printable

Making and Literacy With Makey Makey, Scratch, and Doll-E 1.0

Little Red Educator’s Guide

I hope you enjoyed this list (which was taken from a presentation I did with 2 other authors)!

A Robot Changed My Life

Filed under: Coolness,Doll-E,Shanda's Journey | July 11, 2022
Because DOLL-E 1.0 fits with STEM/STEAM education like a nut fits with a bolt, I’ve been blessed with opportunities to interact with kids from all over the world!Doll-E has taken me from Georgia to Texas, Connecticut, Arizona, and Arkansas (and many more states virtually) in the USA and over the ocean to Ireland (virtually), Saudi Arabia (virtually), and the United Arab Emirates!

Verdict: At the core, kids are cool all over the world! Traveling to these places has taught me in a big way that we are all not so different from one another. Kids in Dubai and Texas laugh at my same dorky jokes 😎

My Book Inspired A Makey-Makey Maker!

Photo by Colleen Graves

Photo by Colleen Graves

So many cool things have happened as a result of the writing/publishing of DOLL-E 1.0. I am so humbled to be a part of a circuit of creatives! So many hands touched this book from its conception to birth … critique groups, editors, art directors, publicists, my husband, my kids, my mom, sales departments, educators, librarians, bookstores, etc.!


And now another creative hand has tinkered with this book and made its existence even cooler … a real coder and “maker” … a girl named Colleen Graves! She creates activities and guides for Makey-Makey (that appears multiple times in the illustrations of Doll-E 1.0). So, Colleen was charged up to create an activity guide for creating your own doll or robot from spare parts and a Makey-Makey, then adding words to its database using Scratch! It. Is. RAD!


If you are a STEM or STEAM teacher, I truly hope you check this out and share your creations with us! It’s reading, creating, problem solving, programing, electronics, engineering, and fun all in one! Colleen suggests this project works best with grades 3-6. So without further adieu, here is the guide:


And here is Colleen’s blogpost about the inspiration behind creating the guide:

Making and Literacy Guide for Doll-E 1.0




Shanda McCloskey, Children's Illustrator & Author