Here is a very special teacher from The Dot by Peter Reynolds. Great book! One of my all-time favorites!

Image from “The Dot” by Peter Reynolds
School is back, and I still get this nervous excitement in my gut. It’s the same feeling I always had as a kid starting a brand new school year. Even as a teacher I felt that way before meeting my new classes. But I’m not going to school and my daughter isn’t old enough either. I guess I’m just excited about a brand new season for me, my work, and Fall!

Image from “The Dot” by Peter Reynolds

Image from “The Dot” by Peter Reynolds
I’ve been thinking a lot about the teachers I’ve had and the things they taught me that still stick! Theres a lot. I’m sure there’s more, but this is who sticks out in my mind…
Mrs. Satterfield (3rd grade) was like a ray of sunshine when I was a new student.
Mrs. Raynor (4th grade) was cool to read the Wizard of Oz to us aloud- the movie was different from the book! And I can still sing the states in alphabetical order.
Mrs. Miserri (5th grade) made history pretty neat.
Mrs. Cheek (6th grade) was funny and made her own quirky worksheets.
Ms. Driver (7th grade) scared me into being organized!
Hugh McMillan (Sunday school) showed me that the Bible is a history book.
Mrs. C (high school art) saw something special in me and pushed me on to accomplish some cool things.
Robert Sherer (college painting) told me I didn’t belong in the art education program (that was his way of saying I should be a painting major) I was flattered and frustrated at the same time.
Joe Remillard (college drawing) really taught me to draw the best I’ve ever drawn before.
Monica Wellington (SVA teacher) showed me that you can be kind, simple, quiet, AND successful even in a place as harsh as New York City. Amazing illustrator/author example!
Elizabeth Dulemba (Southern Breeze SCBWI Illustrator Coordinator) is a fantastic author/illustrator to watch and learn from. She shares industry nitty gritty all the time whether it be on her website, in conversation, or email. She doesn’t know it, but she’s a mentor of mine :)

Image from “The Dot” by Peter Reynolds

Image from “The Dot” by Peter Reynolds
Vashti’s teacher never hears “thanks”, but you later see Vashti using the same encouraging technique the teacher used on her on a fellow student who claims he “can’t ” just like she did. So this post is for ALL the teachers out there. You definitely made a mark on me by daring me to make mine. Have a fabulous year!