Posts Tagged ‘Halloween’

Introducing HJ’s Draw Show!

Check out HJ’s awesome new show – she named it :) – that teaches kids how to draw things! HJ loves art and wants to be a teacher when she grows up. So from now on, when I highlight a book (A Picture Book & A Project), HJ will have a drawing lesson to go with it!

Here is HJ’s cousin, Laney! She followed the steps to make her own spook-tacular jack-0-lantern with chalk!


How To Draw A Spider: Tutorial by a 2-year-old

Filed under: Growing Up Artsy | October 31, 2012


This was my Halloween Surprise! (below)… Spiders ON THE WALL! Oh well, I guess that’s going to happen once in a while when your kid loves to draw. I asked her why she did it, and she said, “because she didn’t have any paper.” So, as a warning to all the moms out there – keep paper readily available to your kids or this might happen to you too!




Now, I’m sure you’re just dying to know how HJ creates these fabulous spiders. Well, you’re in luck! HJ graciously let me video her process so everyone can draw spiders! Happy Halloween! Hope you enjoy this tutorial:


Shanda McCloskey, Children's Illustrator & Author