
Little Miss Muffet!

Filed under: Growing Up Artsy,Illustration,On My Mind | November 9, 2012

I can’t believe it… I did a painting just for ME! I enjoy doing portraits, and it was high time I painted Sweet Pea :) This painting was inspired by all the bazillions of spiders that this kid draws. I mimicked them as best as I could on this plywood.

And from all the children’s book studying I’ve done lately, I’ve become wondrously fascinated with childhood. It’s an interesting thing… a precious, fleeting thing. The best description I can give it is ‘the world that I believed I lived in before I grew up’. Hmmm… I think I’d like to do a few more of these paintings… with other cool kids and their drawings!

Sitting and Wading

Filed under: Illustration,On My Mind,Shanda's Journey | October 18, 2012

These past few weeks I haven’t felt much like drawing. No particular reason, but every time I sat down to draw- I ruined it. So I didn’t draw at all for several days. This was a good experiment for me. For the first few days it was freeing, like a burden lifted from my shoulders. The next couple days I started to get snappy and feeling like getting published traditionally was a mountain too high for me to ever climb. Self-doubt can consume me. I heard a few success stories of others that brought me down … from jealousy I’m embarrassed to say. Sometimes I think that unless you live in New York City, just forget it. And then that just makes me mad, because there is so much beautiful culture in this country beyond what is found in one or two cities. The Southern culture is incredibly interesting and brave with a code of its own. Maybe I should think about incorporating the South into my work more! But I’m sure it’s like an accent. Other’s can hear it even when you don’t think you have an accent at all :) And so I ramble…

The moon has been incredible lately. I can talk best to the Lord when I look at the moon. I know He is working on me. I know this. So why do I grow impatient? I know that God has a plan just for me that no one else can have… a path paved JUST FOR ME. So why in the world, do I feel sad when others around me seem to jump ahead of me? I know I really don’t want my dreams to come true unless it’s in God’s plan for me. At a time when He is ready for me to have it. The reason is because I’m human. My spirit is willing to wait, but my body and mind is weak when it comes to actually enduring that wait. I am wise enough to know that I can’t do it alone, and I don’t  want to. When I draw for myself, I stink at it. But when I draw while leaning on Him, I’m always amazed!

I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps. Jeremiah 10:23

When I can shut-up the other voices in my head, and let the part of me that knows Christ best speak, it reminds me that God loves me so much! Even more than my mom! And that little feeling inside my heart that just knows I’m going to be used in a big way was placed there by God to get me through this season of waiting.

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices! Psalm 37: 4-7 

Writing this post has helped me sort through some thoughts… thanks for listening. I’m left with the notion of how special this waiting season is. It gives me time to spend with my two-year-old and husband. This is not a season to be sad about. I want to enjoy it, and I can just give my worries, dreams, and burdens to the Lord and have a truly joyful heart – now! My Lord is “on it!” So, I’m about to go enjoy dinner with my sweet family … thank you, Lord, for the times you give us to simply sit and wade.


IF – “Book”

Filed under: Illustration | October 2, 2012


Me and Sweet Pea decided to do some coloring and drawing today on this rainy-ish day. Harvey Jane worked diligently on perfecting her smiley faces and flowers on one side while I attempted the Illustration Friday prompt – Book – on the other side.



Poor naked baby doll in the floor :(


Filed under: Illustration | September 24, 2012

Here’s a little sketch tribute to my sweet pea and her smiley faces! That crooked smile she draws (that sometimes looks like a frown) just makes me happy. Kids are cool.


P.S. Yes, she is drawing in her undies, because she uses the potty like a big girl now! Why put on pants if you can draw without them!?


Filed under: Illustration | September 19, 2012


“Burst” inspired by Illustration Friday!

This is my second week to take about 20 minutes and get an idea down for the IF theme. It’s not polished. No impressing going on here- just gesture, concept, and story-telling!

A New Challenge…

Filed under: Illustration | September 12, 2012

Art inspired by Illustration Friday’s prompt: IMAGINATION

I’ve wanted to participate in Illustration Friday for a long time, and now that I have a blog I have no excuses! Except for time limitations. I only get 1-2 kid-free days per week to work on big, time-consuming illustrations, paintings and my writing. So, those days are off limits. But I’m challenging myself to this: once a week, gestural, light, fun images, inspired by Illustration Friday, that make me feel like a kid again! No pressures to impress. Just 20 minutes (with my sweet pea painting by my side too) and that’s it to get a concept/gesture created. I’ll be learning to tell little stories one at a time, and I believe this will be SO good for my soul :)

Here is HJ’s painting:


A Peek at My Process: Little Red Riding Hoodie

Filed under: Illustration,Shanda's Journey | September 3, 2012

This past weekend I attended my first “Illustrator’s Day” with the Southern Breeze SCBWI illustrators! It was just as amazing, if not better, than the pricier conferences (which are geared mainly to writers) that I go to twice a year. And as you can imagine, this day was geared specifically to illustrators. It was also extremely affordable. Anyway, more about Illustrator’s Day in my next post :)

I was fortunate enough to be one of the first 12 folks to sign up for Illustrator’s Day which qualified me to participate in a month-long mentorship with the amazing illustrator, Michael Austin! (He has a new book coming out soon called “Cowpoke Clyde and Dirty Dawg”.)

Michael challenged us 12 with depicting suspicion in the context of one of these three classic stories: Rumpelstiltskin, Three Billy Goats Gruff, or Little Red Riding Hood. We discussed sketches over email and phone calls. Michael Austin truly has a teaching spirit! His emails were very detailed, and he really took his time with each of us. I learned a lot! He says there are three things in which he feels is most important in an illustration: action, emotion, and connectedness.

So here is a series of photos of my work progressing from sketches to a final painting…

These thumbnail sketches let me explore my options a bit. To see what floated my boat.


I took to this one right away. Something about that curtain was very suspicious to me- which was the goal!


I developed the sketch more so I could send it to Michael and he would have a clear idea of what I was going for. This sketch still has Red in her classic hooded garb.


I was growing tired of Red Riding Hood cloak imagery, so I tried a hoodie instead. Michael challenged me to enhance the action and emotion. So, I let her hand reach to touch the wolf’s feet and she looks more scared. The wolf’s feet are about to pounce too. I also added glasses to Red. Michael brought up the question: why can’t Red tell this isn’t her granny until it’s too late?


At this point I just jump in. For some reason, I have the urge to paint on wood lately, so I did :) This sketch really got me excited. In some ways I like Red’s face and expression in this sketch better than in the final piece, but sometimes you just have to move along. And since I’m not a digital painter, I can’t just go back. What’s done is done for the most part. The mouth, eyes, glasses, and gesture in general is strongest here, but I’m still happy with my finished piece.


I start adding paint. Unfortunately, things start looking a bit stiff here. And she starts to look older again after I had finally gotten her to look younger in the sketch above. The work sat like this for two days, and it itched at me bad- all I could think about was how I could “fix it”.


Finally I got some time to myself again to paint. I was happy when I got it to this point. I think she looks younger again. And I was loving the purple drape!


This is a big jump in the process, but when you get on a roll you just have to go with it. I’m especially proud of the way the background turned out. I tend to avoid backgrounds so this was a huge leap for me to do one effectively that didn’t compete with my foreground images. Tints and shades. Tints and shades.


On the last day, I pump up the contrast in several areas such as the hands, hair, and basket. I also completed the newspaper and made the wolf’s head’s shadow more transparent and a different shape.

So there you have it! I think it turned out pretty fun! This piece is a little more child accessible than some of my other work. I’m definitely evolving, growing, learning.  If you have a chance I’d love to hear what you think!


Where this story begins – my first blog post!

Filed under: Illustration,Shanda's Journey | July 28, 2012

Once upon a time I decided I wanted to be a children’s book illustrator! But … It’s not quite that simple :) This blog has been a long time coming, and for so long I have wanted to share my particular journey to my dream in a setting called my life where there’s a husband, a 2-year-old, financial limitations, time limitations, fear, and faith.

My first post is a simple one. Today I was watching my sweet pea play outside, so I squeezed in some drawing-from-a-live-model practice. Well, I tried anyway. She was too fast. I couldn’t even finish a one minute sketch, so I snapped a phone picture to get her still for a whole 3 minutes :)


Then I took her upstairs and thought I might add a little color to my drawing. But painting and entertaining my squirt didn’t mix well. She ended up finishing it for me. Oh well, at least I snapped a picture of the pencil drawing before she got a hold of it :) She does love to paint! She says she’s an artist like me!


So here’s what you can expect from this blog… my illustrations, inspirations, books, illustrators, art projects, my road blocks, my leaps, my tears, my triumphs and my life (the big and little times)! And here’s a big kiss to my sweet honey hubby, Ben who made my site look just the way I wanted it and encourages me to just go for it :)

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. -Proverbs 16:9 

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Shanda McCloskey, Children's Illustrator & Author