In celebration of February, the month of luv, I want to tell you about the pups I love and how they live forever in my book illustrations. It’s actually the theme of my next Pencil Pusher Kids Newspaper that snail-mails out in a week or two. But you grownups can enjoy the front page here …

A Starred Review and 25% OFF!

I’m so proud of this star from a really tough cookie … Kirkus! And it’s a fantastic time to pre-order it. These early orders are super helpful to bookmakers like me. THANK YOU to all who order it or tell someone about it!

A Friend’s New Book For Teachers!

Shannon Anderson, a seasoned teacher, author, and long-time writer friend, just released this incredible resource for teachers! Just a few pages in and I’m already salivating…

I highlighted this part because I’ve volunteered in my kid’s writing classes and tried to bring some extra excitement to the class writing assignment at hand. I’m not really sure if I did though. It’s tough to teach this stuff. Heck, I’m still learning it! But I do know that I need AN AUDIENCE THAT CARES ABOUT WHAT I HAVE TO SAY to get to the finish line whether that be in my writing or my art. I’m not the kind of person who makes art for my own pleasure. For me, it’s got to have a purpose, or it’s a no go.

Yes! Show them your strange process, imperfections, and writing struggles!

Sometimes, I still can’t believe I am an author … I have no business writing for a living … Wait! Yes, I do! I have great ideas. Though it may take me more time than others to string the sentences together, I am just as much of a writer as anyone. I don’t care how scholarly you are. Writing is a heart muscle.

Comment on this Substack post for a chance to win this copy of WRITING FROM SCRATCH: Lesson Plans to Boost Your Classroom Writing Instruction by Shannon Anderson!
This post was originally posted on Substack.