Barton’s energetic day-in-the-life story of an unlikely pair of friends, Fire Truck and Dragon, teaches young readers quite literally to look beyond a book’s cover. While the title and jacket imply a battle between the two powerhouses, the amicable story is anything but that. While the children in the book wish to see an epic fight go down, Fire Truck and Dragon defy stereotypes and proudly flaunt their friendship, reminding onlookers that not only do they get along swimmingly but they also have many hidden talents that shouldn’t be overlooked: they enjoy cooking together, attending and participating in social functions, fostering creative hobbies, and most importantly, sharing time with each other and the neighborhood kids. McCloskey’s vibrant illustrations implement a striking primary color palette with expressive characters and fun, roughshod linework to match the liveliness of the plot. This book teaches readers to express and appreciate differences, value unlikely and unexpected friendships, and be proud of yourself and your loved ones for things you succeed at. -Booklist