A Picture Book & A Project: “The Paper Bag Princess” written by Robert Munsch and illustrated by Michael Martchenko and paper bag fashion design!
Elizabeth was a beautiful princess about to marry a handsome prince, then one day a dragon ruined everything… or so she thought. The tragedy taught Elizabeth how to spot a bum… and just in time!

“The Paper Bag Princess” written by Robert Munsch and illustrated by Michael Martchenko
ANNICK PRESS, Seventieth printing, 2012
SHANDA: This book was sent to HJ by some NYC friends. No wonder this book is a classic! The story is super fun and packed with a very important life lesson about the danger and stupidity of being in love with one’s image whether it be a forest-burning dragon or a royal prince or princess. The art has a nostalgic look for me (from the 80’s). It’s funny, unreal, and too real all at the same time. Great for young and older kids. HJ ALWAYS says “AGAIN!”
HJ: I like her paper bag, because I love it!
Now let’s embark on some paper bag fashion design! You’ll need: large paper bag, small paper bags, markers, sticky rhine stones, scissors, dolls to dress.
Step 1: Cut holes in paper bags for head and arms.
Step 2: Design your paper bag princess dresses however your heart desires.
Step 3: Try them on and play!
This project could be made more complex for older kids with trimmings, belts, beads, tiaras, etc. Let them get as creative as they want. Happy fashion designing! (I would love to get photo emails from kids who enjoyed this project :) For more books and projects visit “A Picture Book & A Project” category.
Shanda and HJ
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